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3 search results for: tokay gecko
Tokay gecko for sale
Tokay Geckos are very popular pet geckos for sale of all the pet gecko for sale in the world, they are in the top 5 for most common pet geckos. Tokay geckos can have cute little attitudes, but also are known to calm down and can be tamed by good care and frequent handling.
When considering any tokay gecko for sale, be sure to only purchase captive bred baby tokay geckos for sale from an experienced tokay gecko breeder.
At all of our reptiles for sale, including our tokay geckos for sale are captive bred and NOT wild caught. We have a Biologist ON SITE and offer a Live arrival and FULL 7 day health guarantee on ALL Of our animals. Our guarantee extends to 30 days for all customers who purchase full habitat kits.
All of our orders ship via UPS or FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled, insulated containers (when needed) and leave our facility at 6:45PM and are on your doorstep the following morning before noon. One Shipping charge covers up to 5 tokay geckos for sale online.