Moroccan Uromastyx for sale
These are our exact Egyptian uromastyx for sale! The female is the largest of them all and is so beautiful. The Egyptian Uromastyx for sale is the largest of uromastyx species. They require a 40-gallon minimum when reaching maturity. The Egyptian Uromastyx is also considered the spiny tailed lizard. Indeed, we are very lucky to have them at this time.
Moroccan Uromastyx
Majority of the Morrocan Uromastyx for sale diet is herbivore related. They do not require much bug intake. They are found in rocky to to desert like climates. You will want a basking side since they love the heat and a uvb tube lighting to help them thrive from the natural rays throughout their habitat. At least 10 to 12 hours of output.
Moroccan Uromastyx Price
- Daytime temperature no less than 85 degrees
- Night-time temperature at approximately 75 degrees
- Basking area at least 100-115 degrees to aid in proper food digestion
- Humidity should stay relatively low at 35%
Morrocan uromastyx for sale
Just like our Red Uromastyx for sale they are calm, even-tempered foraging lizards. Uromastyx for sale online is becoming quite the popular new pet lizard.
Moroccan Uromastyx
To properly care for captive Moroccan uromastyx, you’ll need to duplicate the exceedingly hot, dry environment to which they are adapted. Uromastyx need to reach a core body temperature of around 103 degrees Fahrenheit in order for their digestive and immune systems to function efficiently.
To best accomplish this, you need to establish four distinct temperature zones within their terrarium. These include a base ground temperature of 95 to 100 degrees over the majority of the cage floor. Somewhere inside it, you’ll need to set up a hotter basking area with a surface temperature of 115 to 120 degrees. Then, in an area farthest away from the hot spot, you’ll need to set up a day shelter/cave with an internal temperature of 85 to 90 degrees. Give them a 12-hour day/night light schedule and shoot for a nighttime shelter temperature of 70 to 80 degrees.
Uromastyx Temperature
Please note these values are all surface temperatures, not air temperatures. You cannot use a stick-on-the-wall thermometer to determine these temperatures! Non-contact thermometers, such as the infra-red temp guns, are the most accurate and the easiest means to monitor temperatures. Alternately, digital thermometers with long external probe sensors are acceptable. With these, however, you will need to repeatedly move the probe to various spots along the cage floor to check all the key temperature zones.
Morrocan Uromastyx Habitat
When considering your Morrocan Uromastyx Habitat, use a terrarium in which you can reliably establish this temperature regime is a 20-gallon, long-style aquarium, but these tanks are only appropriate for hatchlings and juveniles. Moroccans will need at least a 40-gallon, breeder-style tank by the age of 2 years. If you’re building a custom habitat, an enclosure measuring 4 feet long, 27 inches wide and 18 inches tall works well for singles or pairs.
Place a large, flat rock off to one side of the terrarium for the basking spot and a small cave or other form of low shelter at the opposite end to serve as a retreat and sleeping chamber.
We recommend using a larger sized piece of driftwood or some other type of visual barrier should also be placed diagonally inside the tank. Keep in mind that both sexes are generally territorial, with a little care during the introduction process, many do well whether housed singly or as pairs. Like any pet reptile for sale, the more you handle the easier they are to handle. While they often can be housed with other Uromastyx and chuckwallas (Sauromalus), they cannot be kept with most other reptiles due to differing environmental needs and or interspecies conflicts. Bearded dragons, in particular, are not safe cagemates. Most beardies will eventually give in to their carnivorous instincts and view your uromastyx as a potential food item. This usually leads to a uromastyx with a crushed skull.
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