Eastern Collard Lizard for Sale
We have a large variety of captive eastern collard lizards for sale. Our eastern collard lizard or desert lizard is very active and docile. Our desert Lizards for sale all come with our full live arrival and 7-day health guarantee. has a real biologist on site and handles all of our eastern collard lizards a bit to ensure well-adapted, calm pets.  They are commonly available at breeder websites and reptile expos. As a collard lizard eastern collard lizard breeder, our number one priority is to provide top-quality specimens that make the best pets. An experienced collard lizard breeder will be able to provide proper care information for your Basin Collared lizard.
Explore our Eastern Collard Lizard care section and learn a ton regarding the following Collard Lizard care tips:
A quality collard lizard is hard to find. Finding the best collard lizard breeders, offering young eastern collard lizard for sale that are handled early and often is important.
We recommend buying all your supplies as well when purchasing your eastern collard lizard .
Eastern Collard Lizard Size
When they reach adulthood, collard lizard can range from 8 to 12 inches in length.
Eastern Collard Lizard Lifespan
Captive bred collard lizard generally lives between 10 and 12 years, but some can live almost twice that long.
Collard Lizard Habitat
Captive bred eastern collard lizards need a minimum of 36” x 18” x 18”, or a 40-gallon tank. However, if and when you can provide larger, they will love it! They are very active creatures. You can house multiple collared lizards together. Cohabiting is optional but just remember we have great success with ours since they are currently together. They cuddle, bask and eat together. But if you choose just one collard lizard, they will be just as happy. Proper ventilation should be provided with screening as a top on an enclosure or in the construction of a custom enclosure. When it gets warm outside, collard lizards can be kept in outdoor cages. It is important to be sure the enclosure provides shelter from the rain, basking areas, and shady areas. Healthy UVB is provided from the sun. Branches should be added to their enclosures because they enjoy climbing.
Collard Lizards for sale Decor
These lizards are considered a terrestrial specie and enjoy rocky terrains. They need to keep entertained for better quality of life. Bare minimum you need at least a flat basking stone and places to hide. We recommend a lot more than that so they will exercise and use natural instinct strategically.
Use decor like our Fluker’s Half Log Reptile Hide, branches, secure stacks of stone, nontoxic real or fake plants etc.
Eastern Collard Lizards for sale Handling and Temperament
Handling eastern collard lizards is easy if done correctly. Collard lizards like Bearded Dragons for sale tolerate handling better than most other lizard species, especially if they are regularly handled from a young age. They are very intelligent, incredibly tame and ours in particular are not aggressive when together. It is as if they “love one another!”
Lighting and Temperature
Collard lizard enjoy the heat. A basking spot that is 105-120 degrees should be provided by a spotlight (mercury vapor bulb AVB) or a ceramic heating element. It should be kept at one end of the cage so your lizard can thermoregulate. The cooler end of the enclosure should be kept at 75-90 degrees.
A full-spectrum UVB lighting should be provided also. It is critically important for lizards kept indoors because it helps them synthesize vitamin D3, which helps calcium absorption. We always recommend the Zoo Med Reptisun UVB 10.0 T5 HO that has a reflective hood allowing the eastern collard lizard to receive the proper lighting at all times just like the Bearded Dragons for sale, Iguanas for sale, and even Medium Sized Tortoises for sale etc. Heat can be provided using reptile heat tape controlled by a reptile thermostat or heat emitters too. Collard lizards need the lights on at least 10 hours a day during winter and 14 hours during the summer. Keep a thermometer in the enclosure to measure the temperature. At night, the lowest the temp can go is 70 degrees.
Eastern collard lizards prefer a humidity of 50%-60%. It isn’t usually of main concern when you have a
humid hide or burrow available. You can also mist occasionally to mess with their humidity levels.
Collard Lizards for sale Food
Eastern Collard lizard are insectivores, meaning they eat primarily insects to receive the proper nutrients they require. They are not usually picky eaters. Insects, such as crickets and mealworms, Dubia roaches etc., black soldier fly larvae and hornworms should be dusted with a vitamin/mineral supplement and calcium.
Dusting can be achieved by placing the insects in a plastic bag with some of the powder and shaking the bag to coat the insects.
Water For Your Inland Eastern Collard Lizard
Water is important, but too much water leads to a wet and humid enclosure. Change the water daily in just a small water dish.
Collard Lizards Substrate
Terrarium Liners & Reptile Carpet; Sand is a favorite substrate of the eastern collard lizards. Make sure that the Exo Terra or Zoo med or play sand is 4″ deep and replaced every 4 months at least. Let me tell you, these lizards love to dig! Remove soiled and dirty substrate daily.
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