More than just mata mata turtles for sale
CB has a full selection of healthy captive bred turtles for sale. If you are considering a new baby box turtle, or any box turtle for sale, be sure it is a captive bred reptile for sale. We have a full line of water turtle for sale as well as land turtle for sale. Also, CB Reptile offers some of the nicest baby tortoise for sale as well as adult tortoises for sale online. Searching for the perfect box turtle for sale? Choose from eastern box turtles for sale, Chinese box turtles, and other species of box turtles. In addtion, we have a variety of aquatic turtles for sale, including fresh water turtles for sale.
Looking for an adult turtle for sale? CB Reptile offers 100% captive bred adult turtles for sale as well as baby turtles for sale. When considering pet turtles for sale, look no further than our juvenile or young adult turtles.