Oustalet’s Chameleon for sale
Oustalet’s Chameleons for sale are all currently 9-18 inches! The male Oustalet’s Chameleon for sale can grow up to a maximum of 27 inches while the female Oustalet’s chameleon for sale only 12 inches. Their weight is 13 – 15 ounces approximately and require big but normal enclosure for a chameleon to thrive and have comfort. They actually regulate their body temperatures by changing in color. Keep their humidity at 70 and they will be the happiest you could ever imagine. We currently have the Chameleon Cage for sale in xl that is perfect for your chameleon. Be sure to also checkout our panther chameleon inventory.
Oustalets chameleon for sale
- Fresh water daily through a dripping source
- Good air circulation
- Need large plants to thrive and climb
- uvb tube lighting for natural light and rays
- misting occasional and or invest in the reptile misting system that will help your chameleon
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