Tokay Gecko for sale
Tokay Gecko for sale is a lizard belonging to the Gekkonidae family, native to the rainforests of Asia. They are one of the largest species of geckos found in the whole world. Amazing colors is one of the reason they are often referred to as one of the coolest to keep in the reptile hobby.
These reptiles are known by various names in different regions, including tokkae in Malaysia, tuko in Philippines, tokek in Indonesia and kokkek in Zomi. Captive bred tokay geckos for sale are tough to find, especially if you are trying to find out where to buy a captive bred baby Tokay gecko for sale!
The Tokay gecko is one of the coolest looking of any species of gecko. Captive bred Tokay geckos for sale are bright and colorful and known for their “energetic” personalities! If you are looking for a flashy looking gecko, with lots of color, this is probably it. These are bright and energetic but also can be tougher to handle than other species of pet gecko.
For this reason we recommend handling your gecko early and often and being patient with him or her in order to build trust. They are not the most handy species so be super patient and do not expect them to trust you overnight.
Tokay Gecko Lifespan
In nature, the tokay gecko lifespan is 5-10 years. However, in captive bred animals who are kept as pets in proper habitats they can live much longer.
Tokay Gecko Size
The Tokay gecko is around 2″ as a hatchling, however once fully mature can reach sizes of 6-8″ overall from head to tail.
Tokay gecko diet
We feed our baby geckos a staple of crickets and sometimes horn or wax worms. Our tokays are used to interacting with our staff who feeds them daily, so they will be a tad more docile than your common wild caught specimens.
Tokay Gecko Price
The cost or Tokay gecko price really will be based on the age and if it is a wild caught adult or a captive bred specimen. You see, buying captive bred animals is all that we would work with or recommend here at CB.
We are against purchasing wild caught animals because of a few reasons. They typically are going to be fairly “mean” if wild caught and not used to human interaction. In addition we never truly would know their age, only would have to estimate it. Lastly, wild caught specimens more often than not contain parasites that can be transmitted to your other geckos or reptiles.
Tokay Gecko Cost
Overall these are reasonably priced geckos compared to most other species. The Tokay gecko cost will be under $500.00 but normally hovers between $199 and $499 depending on the age of the gecko. Keep in mind that wild caught geckos will always be much cheaper but are not recommended for the reasons discussed above.
Other geckos besides the beautiful Tokay Gecko for sale are available here at CB Reptile include:
skylar653 –
I hope to own a couple of your beautiful juvenile CB tokay geckos as my first gecko species once they are in stock, thank you guys/gals so much for your service in the reptile pet trade. :) <3
Animalloverqueen666 –
I really can’t wait to get a gecko hopefully this website hopefully will be where I get my perfect pet now I just have to fully convince my mom that I can take care of one I am soooooo exited :) <3
Nick Davis –
Arrived in perfect condition, beautiful gecko.