Concentric Diamondback Terrapin for Sale
CB Reptile has some of the highest quality captive bred Diamondback terrapins for sale online. CB Reptile offers a wide variety of aquatic turtles for sale including the northern diamondback terrapin for sale. We offer two diamondback terrapin morphs: northern diamondback terrapin for sale and concentric diamondback terrapin for sale.
Concentric Diamondback terrapin
CB Reptile has some of the highest quality captive bred Diamondback terrapins for sale online. CB Reptile offers a wide variety of aquatic turtles for sale including the northern diamondback terrapin for sale. We offer two diamondback terrapin morphs: northern diamondback terrapin for sale and concentric diamondback terrapin for sale. When choosing any Diamondback terrapin turtle for sale or any turtle for sale it is important that you purchase a healthy animal from an experienced turtle breeder. Captive bred terrapin turtles for sale should always be purchased over a wild caught adults when possible. With a biologist ON SITE, CB Reptile guarantees our Concentric Diamondback terrapin for sale are top notch! All of our turtles for sale will ship to you via FedEx or UPS Overnight in heated or cooled, insulated shipping boxes and come with our live arrival and full 7 day health guarantee. One shipping charge covers up to 4 turtles for sale or tortoises for sale.
All photos are for reference and are not of the animal you will be receiving. We go by age, not size, as each animal grows at its own rate. Hatchlings are 1-3 months, well started are are 3-7 months, and yearlings are 8+ months. Our biologist will send an animal from whatever end of that age range we have available at that time. We do our best to sex the reptiles we sell, however, we cannot guarantee sex for anything that is purchased other than adults. We are accurate on most juveniles and hatchlings, but we do make mistakes as some animals do not show their sex as early as others, depending on many factors. Any species of animal that is capable of being temperature sexed while incubating is sexed in that manner, as there is no way to visually sex them until later in life.
Scientific Name: Malaclemys terrapin
Diamondback Terrapin Origin
Diamondback terrapins originate from eastern and southern United States and in Bermuda. They can be found living in brackish coastal tidal marshes in the wild.
Diamondback Terrapin Habitat
Diamondback terrapins require brackish water in captivity to match the water from where they come from. Turtles kept in unsalted freshwater will begin to show health problems from the lack of salt.
Any large waterproof container will make a fine tank for your terrapin, although fishtank is the most common place to keep terrapins. Wherever you chose to keep your terrapin, make sure the diamondback can not climb out. A single turtle requires a tank that is at least 75 gallons to allow your terrapin to swim and dive.
The water depth in the tank should be at least three times as deep as the length of the turtle’s current shell. Terrapins also need a wide, flat place to climb out of the water for comfortable group basking.
Water filtration if crucial to a turtle’s environment because they are very messy eaters and create dirty water. Dirty water leads to shell and skin problems. You can chose from a large variety of submersible, canister, and traditional water filters.
The bottom of your tank should be filled with crushed coral to act as a substrate and a calcium supplement as well. When the terrapins bite the coral, it supplies them with calcium and is a natural way to wear their beaks down.
Diamondback Turtle Lighting
Terrapins need water that’s above 70 degrees F. During the daytime, white heat lights provide warmth to your terrapin’s tank. At night, a ceramic heat emitter with only blue or red light will be needed to provide extra warmth, as temperatures drop after sunset. The same water heaters that are used to heat fish tanks can also be used to keep the water warm. It is important to make sure the ambient temperature in the air of the enclosure is kept close to 80 degrees F.
Diamondback turtles need UVB lights. UVB spectrum lights that are made for reptiles should be kept on for about 12 hours a day and should be kept about a foot from where the turtle basks. This allows your turtle to grow, stay healthy and strong, and convert vitamin D into energy. Metabolic bone disease and not growing properly are side effects of lack of UVB light.
Diamondback Terrapins Diet
Diamondback terrapins primarily eat meat, unlike a lot of aquatic turtles. They eat a variety of small aquatic animals in the wild. They snack on some plants also. While in captivity, they must be fed turtle pellets, dried snails, shrimp, smelt, or other seafood. They should be fed once every other day.
They must not be fed chicken or beef. They do not enjoy food that they would not find in their native habitat. They do not digest new foods easily. Terrapins are some of the messiest eaters of the turtle species. They can be found turning over their food bowls to eat wherever they choose.
Diamondback Terrapin Behavior
Diamondback terrapins are social turtles and enjoy the company of other terrapins. They are known to enjoy sharing resources and basking together on the best basking rock. They often bask together during the day. Diamondbacks do better in groups if there is enough space for each one. Overcrowded tanks lead to aggravated turtles which may nip at other turtle’s tails.
A Diamondback Terrapin Lifespan
While they are not the longest living species of turtle, they can live to be 25 to 40 years old. But this is only if they are properly cared for.
Diamondback Terrapin Size
Diamondback Terrapin Breeder
CB Reptile has a wide selection of diamondback terrapin ages for sale also. Whether you are looking for a young adult diamondback terrapin or a hatchling diamondback terrapin, we’ve got you covered. Our diamondback terrapins also come with our full live arrival and 7-day health guarantee. CB Reptile has a real biologist on-site, and handles and of our diamondback terrapins quite a bit to ensure calm, well-adapted pets.
Diamondback terrapins are commonly available at breeder websites, pet stores, and reptile expos. As a diamondback terrapin breeder, our first priority is to provide the highest quality specimens that make the best pets.
CB Reptile has a wide selection of diamondback terrapin ages for sale too. Whether you are looking for a young adult diamondback terrapin, or a hatchling diamondback terrapin, we’ve got you covered. Our diamondback terrapins also come with our full live arrival and 7-day health guarantee. CB Reptile has a real biologist on site, and handles and of our diamondback terrapins quite a bit to ensure calm, well adapted pets.
Diamondback terrapins are commonly available at breeder websites, pet stores, and reptile expos. As a terrapin breeder, our first priority is to provide the highest quality specimens that make the best pets.
Explore our diamondback terrapin care section and learn a ton about diamondback terrapin care:
- diamondback terrapin
- northern diamondback terrapin
- concentric diamondback terrapin
- diamondback terrapin for sale
- northern diamondback terrapin for sale
- concentric diamondback terrapin for sale
- baby diamondback terrapin
- diamondback terrapin turtle
- diamondback terrapin diet
- diamondback terrapin food
- diamondback terrapin habitat
- diamondback terrapin tank
- diamondback terrapin lifespan
- diamondback terrapin. size
- diamondback terrapin origin
- diamondback terrapin breeder
- diamondback terrapin lighting
- diamondback terrapin heat
- diamondback terrapin temperament
- diamondback terrapin behavior
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