Razorback Musk Turtles for sale
Razorback Musk turtles for sale are another popular species of freshwater turtles for sale available throughout the USA. A Razorback Musk turtle for sale is a tiny or mini-sized turtle. Razorback Musk turtles residing in freshwater, that spans across many parts of the USA. Captive-bred baby Razorback Musk turtle for sale are occasionally available sold and shipped overnight anywhere in the USA here at CB Reptile.
Razorback musk turtle habitat
Be sure to provide a good-sized aquarium with proper water quality and depth. We recommend 55-100 gallons for 1-3 razorbacks. Since musk turtles spend almost all their time in the water, providing the best water filtration is very important. Some people use cannister filters for the best results with any type of water turtle tank. For juveniles, provide at least 30 gallons of water, whereas adults need more.
The larger the Razorback Musk turtle aquarium the better
For adults, we really recommend the largest you can afford and fit. By providing 55-75 gallons of room, the water will stay cleaner longer. This will reduce the frequency of water changes necessary to keep your aquarium clean. The aquarium can be decorated with aquatic plants, rocks (large), hiding spots, driftwood, and a substrate of river pebbles. The slates of rock that breaks the water surface can act as a basking site, same with affixed driftwood.
Basking spots and temperatures
Like most species of aquatic turtles, Razorbacks need a dry dock to bask on, and warm-up. Provide a proper ramp to get to the basking area, and then usually a 90-degree hot spot is achieved by using a basking lamp. Using a basking lamp that provides both heat as well as UVA and UVB light spectrums are necessary.
Razorback Musk Turtle Health
To ensure the Razorback turtle is healthy, check to see if
- A good responsive appetite
- Active when both walking and swimming
- Clear skin, and a clear shell that does not have visible cracks or white patches
- A clean and clear mouth without any sign of opaque mucus
- Wide-open eyes that are bright and clear
Maintaining a clean aquarium and feeding them regularly is key to successfully keeping this beautiful water turtle. You should supplement their diet with vitamins and calcium to allow for proper growth and health.
Other water turtles for sale
Small to medium-sized, painted turtles make up some of the most colorful of all freshwater turtle species. Found in lakes, ponds, and freshwater streams, painted turtles are normally found basking on a log, in a line of 3-12 turtles. If not for basking, the painted turtles can be seen floating at the top of the waterline looking for food. Keeping painted turtles in a freshwater aquarium is best, ensuring they also have a dry dock. Utilizing proper UV light, and a nice dry dock, in a warm area will ensure your new painted turtle for sale is quite comfortable.
Other water turtles for sale
Other turtles for sale include many species of popular water turtles. Slider turtles are without a doubt, the most popular water turtle for sale in the world. Red Eared slider turtles for sale are so popular they are the most commonly kept water turtle in the world. Red Eared slider turtle morphs include albino slider turtle for sale and more. Larger sliders are often found in pet stores marked as pet turtles for sale. Be sure to only purchase from real breeders like us here at CB Reptile.
Other turtles for sale
CB has a full selection of healthy captive bred turtles for sale. If you are considering a new baby box turtle, or any box turtle for sale, be sure it is a captive bred reptile for sale. We have a full line of water turtle for sale as well as land turtle for sale. Also, CB Reptile offers some of the nicest baby tortoise for sale as well as adult tortoises for sale online. Searching for the perfect box turtle for sale? Choose from eastern box turtles for sale, Chinese box turtles, and other species of box turtles. In addition, we have a variety of aquatic turtles for sale, including freshwater turtles for sale.
Baby Turtles for sale
Looking for an adult turtle for sale? CB Reptile offers 100% captive bred adult turtles for sale as well as baby turtles for sale. When considering pet turtles for sale, look no further than our juvenile or young adult turtles. CB also offers a wide selection of baby turtles for sale. We do not sell or label any turtles as pet turtles for sale unless they are over 4″. Anything you see sold as a pet turtle for sale will be over 4″.
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