Ivory Sulcata Tortoise for sale

sulcata tortoise lighting

Sulcata Tortoise Lighting

Recent research shows conditions of sulcata tortoises for sale has less to do with the diet and is much more associated with humidity in their environment.

Growing tortoises need direct access to UV lighting to properly grow and develop. There are several ways of providing UV lighting for your sulcata tortoise for sale online. Fluorescent bulbs come as a long tube 18-48 inches long or in a small coil that screws into standard light sockets. Growing tortoises need to have direct access to this lighting and it needs to be no further than 24 inches away from the floor of the cage. Fluorescent bulbs provide little heat, so heat lamps are also needed. The second type of lighting is heat plus UV lighting together in the same bulb (Zoomed Powersun). These bulbs provide better UV lighting for a longer duration. No beneficial UV light gets through your home windows either, so placing them by a window has no benefit. Taking baby tortoises outside for natural sunlight is also beneficial for them.

There should be a cage temperature gradient during the day of approximately 85-95 F. Nighttime temperatures should remain above 70 F.

At CBReptile.com, 100% of our tortoises for sale online are captive bred.  With a biologist ON-SITE, our captive bred tortoise sand turtles for sale receive the best care available, and that same care guidance is provided to our customer’s vis our customer service team available nearly 24 hrs a day via email.  As tortoise breeders, we specialize in captive bred tortoise for sale including baby tortoises for sale and adult tortoises for sale online.  We breed over 22 species of tortoise for sale including Red Foot Tortoises for saleyellow foot tortoises for saleleopard tortoises for salesulcata tortoises for salehermann’s tortoise for saleindian star tortoises for saleburmese star tortoises for saleSri lankan tortoises for saleGreek tortoises for saleMarginated tortoises for saleRussian Tortoises for salealdabra tortoises for saleBurmese mountain tortoises for sale, and many other species of baby and adult tortoises for sale online.

All of our tortoises for sale including baby tortoise for sale come with our full LIVE ARRIVAL and 7-day HEALTH GUARANTEE!  With a BIOLOGIST ON SITE, you can shop with confidence that CBReptile.com will provide you the highest quality new tortoise for sale anywhere in the USA.   All of our reptiles for sale ship in heated or cooled insulated shipping boxes via FedEx Early morning Priority overnight delivery and leave our facility at 7 pm on the day of shipping to your doorstep just 12-14 hrs later the following morning.  As tortoise breeders, we are proud to only offer captive bred baby tortoise for sale, tortoise for sale, and are the best tortoise breeder where to buy a tortoise online from in the USA.  If you are looking where to buy tortoise for sale online or where to buy captive bred baby tortoises for sale, you have found the spot!

Leopard tortoises are some of the most beautiful of all tortoises for sale.  When considering any tortoise for sale, or turtles for sale, captive bred baby tortoises for saleand turtles for sale should be your only consideration instead of wild caught.  Some of the best tortoise breeder in the world only work with captive bred animals.  Whether it be huge sulcata tortoise for sale, or small russian tortoise for sale, we are your source for the best of the best!

Cbreptile.com is proud to offer OVER 20 species of healthy, captive-bred baby tortoise for sale including red foot tortoise for saleyellow foot tortoise for salecherry head tortoise for salesulcata tortoiseleopard tortoisegiant leopard tortoisegreek tortoises for saleonline, eastern hermann’s tortoises for salewestern hermann’s tortoise for sale, as well as many other species of tortoise for sale and turtles for sale.  As tortoise breeders we focus on using only the best breed stock to provide our customers with healthy, happy and active top quality specimens that are sure to please any turtle or tortoise enthusiast for decades to come.  Our tortoises for sale online include nothing but 100% captive bred tortoise breed stock.

As tortoise breeders for over 2 decades, we are proud to have the largest variety of in stock tortoises on sale anywhere online in the USA.  Whether you are looking for a giant tortoise for sale, or a tiny tortoise for sale, CBReptile.com ensures you will get a healthy, captive bred baby, juvenile, or adult tortoise at a great price with the best support in the world and a full live arrival and health guarantee.

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