Peacock Slider turtles for sale
Peacock slider turtle for sale, one of the most colorful and beautiful of all slider turtles for sale and can live 45-50 years in captivity when properly cared for.
Peacock Slider turtles, also known as the Nicaraguan Slider turtle are very active and love to swim. While baby slider turtles for sale are mostly aquatic, these diurnal turtles also enjoy a dry, warm place where they can climb out and bask under a heat light making it important to have a nice floating dock basking area for your new pet slider turtles for sale. A filter is recommended to help keep the water clean, and you will want to include an assortment of rocks, ramps, docks or other turtle accessories to provide ample space for climbing. A garden or outdoor pond is another common habitat solution for Peacock sliders. Turtles are social animals and can be kept together as long as you provide enough space in their habitat.
Peacock Slider turtle for sale (Trachemys emolli)
The Peacock slider turtle for sale has a long history in the pet trade, and it has been kept for many years by a wide variety of hobbyists, both beginners and veterans. For years Peacock slider turtles were exclusive to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Luckily, now that reptile enthusiasts are better educated, the Peacock slider has a better chance of survival in captivity, but it is a large turtle and should be kept only by people who are prepared to provide the proper care for it.
Nicaraguan sliders for sale are strong swimmers and will spend a majority of their time in the water. They bask a lot, too, and during warm, sunny days, wild red-ears love to stack on top of each other while doing so. The slightest movement or sound will send them sliding off their rocks or logs and back into the water—this, coupled with the strong red-orange-yellow-pink markings on their shells, gives them their common name. Pet Peacock sliders for sale can be very personable and will often swim up to you, begging for food.
More than just Nicaraguan slider turtles for sale!
Cb Reptile is proud to offer OVER 20 species of healthy, captive-bred baby tortoise for sale including red foot tortoise for sale, yellow foot tortoise for sale, cherry head tortoise for sale, Sulcata tortoise, leopard tortoise, giant leopard tortoise, Greek tortoises for sale online, eastern Hermann’s tortoises for sale, western Hermann’s tortoise for sale, as well as many other species of tortoise for sale and turtles for sale. Land turtles, also known as box turtles for sale are also available at CB.
As tortoise breeders, we focus on using only the best breed stock to provide our customers with healthy, happy and active top quality specimens that are sure to please any turtle or baby tortoise enthusiast for decades to come. Our tortoises for sale online include nothing but 100% captive bred tortoise breed stock. In addition, we also offer geckos for sale, including leopard geckos for sale, crested gecko for sale and gargoyle gecko for sale. Choosing a pet gecko for sale can be tough. The most popular pet geckos for sale are the leopard gecko, crested gecko, African fat-tailed gecko, and gargoyle gecko.
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The nicest reptiles for sale online
Indian Star Tortoises for sale, as well as Sri Lankan Star Tortoises and Burmese Star Tortoise for sale, are the 3 main species of star tortoise for sale. Looking for a star tortoise for sale? We have a fantastic selection of captive bred star tortoises for sale online, including Indian Star tortoises for sale, Sri Lankan Star tortoise for saleand Burmese star tortoise for sale online.
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